Wednesday, July 2

Easily amused & inspired

Very in love with the maltipoo. Must get one next winter.

I had one of those days today where I could never get full, was always hungry, craving or fidgety for food. Ate so much - durian, chicken, more chicken, chocolate, a lot more chocolate and more durian again and proper food in between. Ah it was satisfying. It's 11.08pm and I'm no longer hungry because my brain's gone into pre-sleep mode. Went to visit my highschool today during after-hours. It was... sad. I walked around the quadrangle by myself, had images of old times running through my head. I miss it. I miss the noise, the familiarity, the closeness. Well life goes on, I've closed that chapter of my life. It's better to have experienced than to not have had at all. I need exercise. I need some loveee. I need a real holiday. x

Ps : "In love relationships, there is a fine line between pleasure and pain." Carrie Bradshaw

1 comment:

stephanie said...

i knw tht feelin :( sucks doesn't it. guess it's the same for everyone. we'll get used to it :)